Thursday, April 16, 2009

Equilibrium Lab

Today's class was spent doing a lab. The sheet is called An Analogy for an Equilibrium Reaction. The purpose of the lab was to help familiarize us with a system in equilibrium and how certain conditions effect that system. We were allowed to share data but everyone must hand in their own lab.

The experiment:
First we had to transfer water from one cylinder to another by using straws then record the change in volume in each cylinder. This was repeated for three transfers until the data remained the same. Once this happened we had to had an additional 5ml to ONE of the cylinders (A) then repeated until we reached the point where three transfers gave the same data.

For the data a chart is required to record the number of transfers, volume of cylinder A, and volume of cylinder B. Next we had to plot the data on graph paper and answer the questions that followed. I'm not sure if the due date was set yet.

Tomorrow's scribe will be rawra=).

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